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Donation of $300+
We have special year-end gifts to thank you for your support this holiday month. We have a collection that includes a special hand-made “ark” filled with representative gifts from the Magi to baby Yeshua of actual frankincense and myrrh, plus a special gold colored bronze coin with the proper name of YeHoVaH and Yeshua engraved on it. This collection also includes the 4-part video teaching on The Prophetic Mystery of the Star of Bethlehem.
For a gift of $300 or more, we will send you the entire collection of the beautiful ark-box with crystal crown (representing the Magi), a bag of real frankincense and myrrh with two silver colored bowls, the YeHoVaH coin and the 4-part video teaching series.
This product includes all 3 items. Do not add the others to your cart when making a donation of $300 or higher.
To make a donation higher than $300, add an additional donation amount to your cart.
53 in stock